Thursday, May 11, 2006


Gonzo the Great-moi?

Could you see me as:


Just done a Muppet Personality Test taken from here: ,
which I found on Dr Rob's blog and which provided admirable relief from the boredom of proof editing the NATE journal. However, not so happy with the result, especially as Rob's profile also came out as Gonzo.
Rob, of course, managed to get both image and the test itself on his BLOG. I failed miserably at this, hence the URL.

But can we both be Gonzo's, I ask? I know I could never be Miss Piggy - much too slim - and anyway that soubriquet has been earned by someone else in the school of education (not, of course, Joolz or Kate) but surely there were other female characters in the Muppet Show I could be? Would even have settled for Kermit, as in one school the kids decided to call me thatbecause of my taste in green silk stockings, amongst other colours. (When I was young I was much influenced by Ursula in Women in Love, See.)
But Gonzo!!!!! Surely not.
What do you think, hypocrite lecteur, mon semblable, frere ou soeur ?
Gonzo is however slightly preferable to the granny shown here:

Ah well, proof reading calls.

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